
God Is Able

God Is Able

God Is Able

Read | Ephesians 3:20-21
Jesus knew firsthand what it meant to live with limited financial resources, to have others–including family members–question His actions (Mark 3:21), and to suffer rejection by those He sought to serve (John 6:66)Yet, in spite of such opposition, Jesus never let circumstances control His emotions or dictate His actions. Instead, He chose to trust that the Father was able to carry out His Word.

We are called to follow the example of Christ by believing that God is able to do what He has promised. For instance, the Bible pledges eternal salvation for everyone who asks for forgiveness in Jesus’ name (Heb. 7:25). The Son’s death on the cross satisfied the demands of divine justice for all our sins–from “white lies” to unspeakably vile acts. When we have true faith in Jesus,

God will forgive us and make each of us a new creation in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17). No matter what trouble we may have caused, He invites us to draw near in faith and receive the gift of everlasting life.

God promises to save whoever trusts in Him, and also to establish believers in truth (Rom. 16:25). He gives us a firm foundation in Christ and then builds us up in righteousness. Through His Spirit and the Word, we start to see things as our Father does and then can understand what pleases Him.

By believing God keeps His promises, we grow stronger in our faith and gain peace. Hardships that would have thrown us off course lose their power to shake us. Hope replaces discouragement, and trust overcomes doubt. When trouble comes, focus on God’s ability to care for you.