
Peter’s SEVEN Falls -1

Peter’s SEVEN Falls -1

Peter’s SEVEN Falls -1

 Dear friend, We will all fall and get up till the Lords returnProverbs 24:16 says, even though the righteous fall seven times, he will rise up. We are all living in a fallen world. But when the righteous fall, they will not stay long in that fallen position. They will rise up confessing their sins to the Lord & the Lord is gracious enough to forgive all their sins. Peter fell seven times in his walk with the Lord. But he rose up from his fallen position & went on to be a great apostle of the Lord.

1. Peter failed in doubt & lack of Faith (Mt 14:22-) Peter saw Jesus walking on the water and he too wanted to walk on the water. As long as he fixed his eyes on Jesus, He walk on the water, but the moment he took his eyes away from Jesus, he began to drown. Jesus didn’t allow him to drown, He stretched his hand to him & saved him. Bible doesn’t say as to how they both went back to the boat. May be he walked again on water to the boat or Jesus would have carried him to the boat, we don’t know. But just because peter doubted and was lacking in faith, Jesus didn’t abandon him.

Beloved, You may have got out of your boat and walking in faith, sharing the good news with people around you. Many might have got healed, delivered & strengthened through your ministry. You were walking over things that were trying to destroy your life and suddenly you have got DISCOURAGED, SICK, Many people are trying to CRUSH you now. DESTROY your ministry, Reputation! You may be down in your spirit struggling to face another day. You are thinking of leaving your ministry. You are thinking God has abandoned you. Many times, when pain & suffering overwhelms us, we will not be able to recognize Jesus who is by our side, upholding us and even carrying us during that time. Peter couldn’t recognize that it was Jesus who was walking on the water in their time of trouble. Marry couldn’t recognize Jesus at the tomb.

Dear Child of God, You are very precious to the Lord. He has a great purpose & a plan for your life. You have great potential. And that is why Satan is trying to bring discouragement to you. Just because you have failed, it doesn’t mean that God have disowned you. It doesn’t mean that the purpose God has in your life will be destroyed. The call of God will be with you all the days of your life. He who has called you is faithful to be by your side & bring you out victoriously. He will never leave you nor forsake you.  Peter failed but he rose up from that situation.

Who preached on the day of the Pentecost and 3000 men got saved? Peter (Acts 2:41)
Who preached again and 5000 men got saved? Peter (Acts 4:4).
Who preached to Cornelius, the FIRST MAN TO GET SAVED? Peter (Acts 10)
Who led the first BLACK man to Christ? Peter (Acts 8)

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds [curing their pains and their sorrows]Psalm 147:3